Bong collaborates with the ESAT of Eure to promote access to work for all

For almost two years now, Bong and the ESAT of Eure have been collaborating to promote inclusion and access to work for all. This long-term partnership takes two forms:

This collaboration mutually benefits both the company and workers with disabilities. While this partnership enables disabled people to develop their skills and integrate into the workforce, it also encourages Bong employees to view disabilities from a new perspective.

About the ESAT of Eure

The ESAT (assistance and service centers helping disabled people into work), member of the Association for Adults and Young People with Disabilities (APAJH), welcomes 138 workers with various disabilities (motor, sensory, mental, cognitive etc.). The ESAT is dedicated to the development of worker’s skills, their socio-professional support, and their inclusion in companies through various production activities such as green space maintenance, catering, laundry services or industrial subcontracting.

A lasting partnership with mutual benefits

Development of skills for disabled workers

The partnership enables people with disabilities to develop their professional skills, integrate into the workforce and gain autonomy

Support for inclusion

The initiative promotes social and professional inclusion of disabled workers, offering them opportunities to work in an adapted environment with mentors.

Awareness of disabilities

Bong employees are made aware of the realities of disabilities. It contributes to a more inclusive and empathetic corporate culture.

Adaptation and innovation

Bong had to adapt its processes and tools to meet the specific needs of disabled workers, fostering innovation and continuous improvement.

CSR commitment

This partnership strengthens Bong’s commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), showcasing concrete actions for inclusion and access to work for all.

Click the button below to find out more about Bong’s CSR commitments and to download our latest CSR report listing all the actions carried out over the last two years:

Bong welcomes workers with disabilities to its factory near Evreux, in Normandy

As of today, and since September 2022, several people with disabilities have been working in Bong’s workshop in Saint-Sébastien-de-Morsent, Normandy. They perform tasks such as manual product finishing, inserting and packaging. The integration of ESAT workers into Bong is done gradually. Each new employee from the ESAT is assigned a Bong mentor to ensure successful adaptation to the professional environment. This approach is tailored to the nature of each disability and sometimes requires the implementation of new tools to ensure optimal working conditions. Bong is proud of this long-term relationship that not only helps disabled workers integrate into the workplace but also raises awareness among Bong employees about the realities of disabilities. 

Mickael, first ESAT member to join the Bong production workshop

Bong installs finishing machines at the ESAT

For people whose autonomy does not allow them to join our production workshop, Bong has installed finishing machines directly at the ESAT. As the 2 facilities are located opposite each other, this proximity has made it possible to develop a second form of partnership. On average, five people work full-time on tasks such as product folding, inserting, and perforating to finalize products manufactured by Bong.

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Permaculture at the factory: a CSR initiative by Bong

After defining an ambitious CSR policy, Bong launched its permaculture project and created, with the involvement of collaborators, a vegetable garden to grow fresh fruits and vegetables. A perfect way to learn, share good moments as a team, raise awareness about the preservation of biodiversity and promote healthy eating.

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