Bong collaborates with the ESAT of Eure to promote access to work for all

For almost two years now, Bong and the ESAT of Eure have been collaborating to promote inclusion and access to work for all. Bong welcomes workers with disabilities to its factory near Evreux, in Normandy and installed finishing machines within the ESAT.

Permaculture at the factory: a CSR initiative by Bong

After defining an ambitious CSR policy, Bong launched its permaculture project and created, with the involvement of collaborators, a vegetable garden to grow fresh fruits and vegetables. A perfect way to learn, share good moments as a team, raise awareness about the preservation of biodiversity and promote healthy eating.

De 10 viktigaste åtgärderna i den Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR)

PPWR Packaging Regulation - Reduce Packaging Waste and promote recyclability

De Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR, de Verordening inzake Verpakkingen en Verpakkingsafval) werd onderworpen aan een stemming door het Europees Parlement op 22 november 2023. We gaan dieper in op de belangrijkste maatregelen en verplichtingen die zijn vastgelegd door de PPWR voor Europese landen en economische organisaties.